3 Tips to Consider when Building Your Perfect Home

Making a move is a big decision. There are many factors to consider, such as location, neighborhood amenities, schools (if applicable), price, and many more. When thinking about your next home, don’t forget the option of building a new home that you can customize to your lifestyle and preferences.  Once you’ve decided to build, there are many different things that you should consider to ensure that the job is carried out to the highest possible standard. You will want your home to be a good investment over time, as well as an ideal place to live.


First, you will need the right builder to partner with, and this will be based on your price point. The most expensive option is a fully custom home where you will work with a builder to create the plans from scratch. With a semi-custom home, you can choose a floor plan that the builder offers, but you can select the finishes such as flooring, types of countertops, paint colors, and more. You also have the option of a spec home; this is a home where it’s newly built, but the builder made all the decisions. A spec home may give you the least amount of options; however, you can move into the house quickly.

If you go for the fully custom route, your builder can educate you on basic items such as the difference between spray foam vs. blown-in insulation and other factors that can affect the price and comfort level in your new home. They will guide you through decisions from conceptual planning through the finished product. Be sure to consider future changes your family may undergo or add technology that can support home automation. 

There are a lot of big decisions to make, but there are also many small ones that will make your home the perfect space.

Eliminate irritations

To maximize the enjoyment of your home, make decisions that eliminate potential sources of issues. Take a look at the home you’re currently living in; what are some items that you would want to change? You can start making a list of the little things that irritate you and address them in your new build.

Eliminating irritations can take many forms, including things as straightforward as ensuring that the type of flooring used in your home doesn’t scuff too easily. Either way, try to limit those sources of irritation in your home upfront.

Set aside some space for a home office or hobby room

When it comes to achieving your dreams, just about any potential pastime or project you might be engaging with will ultimately require its own space.

When you’re building a new home, it's an excellent idea to have an area set aside that can serve as a home office, workshop, hobby room, or something similar that gives you the space and opportunity to work on your passions undisturbed. It's amazing what having a dedicated workspace can do for enthusiasm, performance, and "flow." These days, with remote work becoming the norm, setting a room aside for an office is important. 

Be mindful of the big picture

The way that your home is constructed and decorated can have a dramatic impact on the overall aesthetic of the place – particularly when it comes to features like the number of windows in the building. It can be difficult to visualize a space without walking through it. In my opinion, you can never have too many windows. You can always adjust the light by adding the right coverings, but a too dark room can be an issue.

Be very mindful about the kind of aesthetic you're aiming to create in your home and how it influences your mood and mindset. If you love light & bright spaces, you’ll want to opt for big windows and paint colors on the lighter side. Decorating the rooms and making them welcoming for your family and your guests is the fun part!

Ultimately, one type of atmosphere in your home may help you to achieve your full potential. In contrast, a different atmosphere may make it difficult for you to feel motivated even to get started.

Angel Piontek