Deep Cleaning Made Easy

A nice deep clean is one of the most satisfying things you can do. Although when you are in the middle of cleaning you might not be happy about it, the results after are always worth it. 

Sure, not everyone loves cleaning, but everyone can appreciate a clean home. So, where do you start?



It is always a better idea to declutter before you start cleaning correctly. When there are multiple items in the way, achieving a deep clean can be more difficult. Doing some prep work ahead of time will make cleaning easier and you’ll feel great getting of stuff you don’t use.

You can decide if you want to sell items that you don’t use, donate them, or put them in the trash if they are beyond their best. Either way, letting go of things you don’t love and don’t use is essential. There are mental health benefits to living with less

Decluttering will give you a chance to see how much space you have to work with, and when moving items around, you will be able to spot if you have pests or other unwanted issues. 

Room by room

A big clean can get very overwhelming if you are trying to tackle too many things at once. So choosing one room at a time is the easiest thing to do. The best way to decide which room goes first is - choose either the most challenging room first or the room that most people use. 

By doing that, you remove the largest task, or you free up a space that people can use while you get on with the task at hand. 

It is also important to remember that although a big clean is cathartic and brings a massive sense of achievement, it doesn’t all need to be done in one day. 

Hidden spaces

There are spaces we don’t see every day, our loft space, the garage, and the crawlspace. These will also need to be cleaned. These spaces are prime spots for mold and pests. For your crawlspace, you can hire a crawlspace encapsulation company; this will prevent possible future issues and get the job taken care of pretty quickly. 

For your loft, if you have access, it is essential to check for pests, wood rot, mold, and other harmful substances. 

There are also hidden spaces underneath the furniture. The large furniture around your home has likely not been moved - or cleaned under in some time. It is time to move what you can, and give the underneath a vacuum and a good scrub. 

Built-up dust can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs as well as be a breeding ground for bacteria. 

It is time to put on your favorite music, grab your cleaning rubber gloves, and get started on a deep clean. Take it slow, go room by room, and before you know it, you will have a beautifully clean home. 

Smart Home cleaning

While a good manual cleaning feels great, don’t forget about everyday cleaning tools and tricks that can help make this easier for you. Personally, I appreciate my robot vacuum. It not only cleans the floor without my assistance, it has also helped me look at my space in a different way. The floor should be free of toys and small items before running the vacuum so it has forced me to edit spaces in my home. It made me re-evaluate the layout of certain rooms and permanently get things off the floor. The other thing I LOVE about my robotic vacuum is that it cleans under couches and large furniture! Those areas are now being regularly cleaned without having to move heavy pieces of furniture.

Final tip: make sure that you have all of your cleaning materials ready in advance: wipes, sprays, gloves, bucket, and a mop and sponges. Ensuring you have everything in advance will mean you don’t need to keep taking breaks to get something. 

Angel Piontek